Monday, February 11, 2008

Life's Mission

Life has a purpose, but some of us take so long to figure out what our purpose is, that we never find it until it is to late. A good friend of my husband's, had a father that passed on Sunday, it hit my husband, not because the man passed away, but that his good friend was suffering, and with that we talked about whether or not his father had known Jesus. You know we are all called to take on the purpose of sharing God's word to others, so that they may have the opportunity to know him, and be able to enter an eternity of peace and joy, with the heavenly Father. Whether or not you have figured out exactly what your life's purpose is you should always take on the mission of sharing Gods word with others. You know when you take on that mission you shouldn't be surprised, when the purpose that God has for you begins to reveal it's self in your life. There are so many ways to share God's glory and word with others. I have my own way of sharing the word of God with others, and you will have your own way of sharing the word of God too. You know that the most important thing to do is approach the subject with humility and understanding of the people that you are trying to lead to Christ. I had a really close friend tell me once, that some one walked up to him at the mall, and gave him a track that said "Heaven or Hell where are you going?" That turned him off. It turned him off, because the person was threatening, and they had no relationship with him. If I am going to share the news of Christ, then I like to start off by talking about a common interest that I might have with someone, and then I tell them where I go to church, and I talk a little about what I believe. Most of the time if you take the time to have a simple conversation with someone you will be able to lead into the knowledge of Christ, and share the message that God has called each of us to share. When you pay attention to the person and not the point you will have more impact on them, and they wont feel like your cramming something down their throat, they are a lot morelikely to listen. Pay attention to their mood, and their body language, you will be able to tell if you are getting somewhere with them. Let God lead you and He will give you the right words to say to be able to get through the message that He alone wants you to give.