Monday, January 28, 2008

Finding Life's purpose

Hello everyone!

This past week something really tragic happened. For those of you who live in the Rick and Bubba nation, you heard the news about Rick losing his youngest son. My prayers go out to you Rick. I have really taken the time to do some self evaluation during this time. You know that when you lose a child you make promises to yourself, that you hopefully will be able to keep. I think that the biggest thing I promised my self was to never take life for granted. During this past week I realized that I have not kept that promise to myself. So that's when reality hit, I have taken life for granted knowing that it can end in the blink of any eye. I was really proud of Rick for the statement that he made about the loss of his son during the memorial service, talking about if just one person came to know Christ through all of this, it would be worth it. I was amazed, that someone else could understand what I have been saying the last 4 years since the passing of my daughter. Let me explain. After she passed away, I prayed and asked God to give me something to hold on to, and he told me this "If not one person came to know me would it be worth it?" The only answer I had was yes! She now has the perfect life knowing no pain or sickness, so how could I not be happy that God was using her to lead others to Christ. I am now convinced that when a child passes away, they are the biggest and best warriors for Christ. They are able to get the attention of people, that no one else could effect. God uses "the least of these" to do his work. Children have such a pure relationship with Christ that just amazes me. I think that my goal this year is to help the families around me that go through loss, find their purpose for the life of their child. You know that you may not see the impact right away, but one day you will. I like to use this example, my father-in-law was out witnessing one day when he pastored a church in Amarillo TX. Every week he would put a business card on 1 family's door, because they did not answer. About 2 years later a family came into his office with a stack of business cards that they had received for 2 years from him. They told him that he was the only one who never gave up on them. From that point on they attended his church, but most importantly they got to know Christ, and now have a personal relationship with him. You see my father-in-law did not see the fruit right away, but 2 years later he did. I hope that God shows you the fruit of your loss right away, but don't get weary in well doing, because tomorrow could be your day to eat your fill of God's sweet fruit!
Love ya all

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Hey everyone,
I just wanted to say something. Some people today asked me the purpose of the web page, and all I want to say is this: I have found that if people have a healthy outlet to voice their feelings, and what they are going through, it is much easier to deal with them. So the point is to give a voice to anyone that has gone through the tragedy of losing a baby or young child. Unless you have gone through this tragedy you don't know how it feels to have such a loss. Everyone needs a safe place, to say this is where I can let my hair down and say what I need to say and know that I am understood, and I have no one judging me for what I say. I know that it definatly helps.... because it has helped me!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

My Story

After the detrimental lose of my little girl Madelise, on August 3, 2003 I ask God, why did He bring me to this place, “Just trust me” seemed to be the only answer that I got. So my journey began to “just trust God”. He has never failed me, and continues to show me his plan as I go through the journey of loss. It became clear shortly after Maddie’s death, that the people around me though supportive, were not equipped to handle the needs that I had because of my loss. So I began to search out someone who knew how I felt, I just needed someone to understand. I decided when I was ready and able, that I would be available to help families just like me, I could understand their loss. During the last 4 years after my daughter’s death I have developed a deep desire to help other women and families around me who have experienced the detrimental loss of a child, through miscarriage still birth or infant death. Families that have lost a baby no matter the cause are now apart of the “club”. We all come from different walks of life, and each has a different story to tell, but we have all felt the same heart wrenching grief from the loss of our children. Maddie’s Place is designed to provide a place for families to share there feelings, and what they are going through as they journey through their grief after their loss. We offer the compassion, emotional support, and hope after each family’s loss. It is also our goal to offer resources to families to help meet a variety of needs, concerning the loss of their children.

To all of the families who have expirienced the loss of a child through miscarriage, stillbirth or early childhood death

I am trying so hard to find the answers to all the questions that are going through your mind. There are no right answers to any of those questions. I can only tell you that, the one and only answer is Christ. I have tried for so long to get all of my questions answered, why did my sweet girl go, and you know what I have felt that God has always said to me is, “Just trust me”. I know that is probably the last thing that you want to hear, but it is true, just trust God. In due time, you will see what kind of plan, that he has for you while you go through your grief. I just want to see you take your time as you go through all of your questions, while you try to find your answers. A woman once asked me how do we get through, the only answer is to breathe. When you are sitting still, when you are talking, when you are all alone just sit and breathe. That must sound really trivial, but it is the one thing that is constant that you know will happen even if you don’t think about it. You will have to just put one foot in front of the other for a while, take one minute at a time; then you will see that one minute turns into hours and the hours have turned into days. Just breathe and take one minute at a time, eventually there will be a new normal, for your different life. You will cry, you will laugh, and then you will be still to think. Like every mother that has lost a child you wonder am I normal, am I doing this the right way, or maybe even is it wrong for me to act this way. What ever you feel you need to do to help you, do it. There is no wrong way and no right way to go through the loss of a baby. Cry when you need to cry, scream when you need to scream, and laugh when you need to laugh. If you want to be left alone, say it. Don’t be pushed into anything that you are not ready for. Take your time; this is a process that does not happen over night. I love you very much, and my heart breaks to see another mother go through the loss of a baby like we did. It’s just not supposed to happen. You are now apart of a sisterhood of women that understands the depth of your pain and grief, even though all of our experiences are different. It has taken me awhile to write this letter to you. It’s one of those things that have to be thought out and prayed about before putting words on a piece of paper. God has all things in order for you, and you will see them come to pass at the right time. Trust God, lean on your family, and then ask for help if you need it. Your family and friends love you and are with you to support you right now. If you ever need to talk just call day or night I’ll be here.

Sending my love
Rachel Mitchell
Maddie's Place